Simply a superb meal in every respect. Ed and his team provided outstanding service Would recommend the beef tenderloin every…
Tenant Profile
Was blown away by the beautiful room and the amazing menu. The staff was very accommodating in every aspect. The…
My husband and I stayed at Idlewyld Inn for a mini-getaway and were thrilled with our experience. The dinner was…
My son and her husband had their wedding reception here two years ago. A little late to the game with…
I have lived at 222 Central Ave for over 6 years now, and I couldn’t imagine living elsewhere. Not once…
Your entire team was professional, polite and meticulous. Your operation is first class, and we are very fortunate to be…
The Block has felt like home to me and it is because of FHC’s ongoing care and attention that I…
Thank you for the entire 18 years that I have been a tenant in your Executive Suites. My husband and…
Attention to quality and detail are consistent elements of Mr.Farhi’s projects, providing high standards of building management and care. Mr.Farhi’s…
Your company has been responsive to our needs and have gone out of their way to make sure we are…