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484 Richmond St, London, ON N6A 3E6

Service Provider and Visitor Vaccination Policy

Policy Statement

The health and safety of FHC staff, visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors is a priority. Farhi Holdings Corporation is committed to taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the health and safety of workers from the hazard of COVID-19. Vaccination is a key element in the protection of FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors against the hazard of COVID-19. This Policy is designed to maximize COVID-19 vaccination rates among FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors as one of the critical control measures for the hazard of COVID-19; therefore, FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Background and Current Situation

Full vaccination has been shown to be effective in reducing COVID-19 virus transmission and protecting vaccinated individuals from severe consequences of COVID-19 and COVID-19 variants including the Omicron variant currently circulating in Ontario.

Given the continuing spread of COVID-19, including the Omicron variant, within Ontario, the compelling data demonstrating a higher incidence of COVID-19 among the unvaccinated population and the increasing levels of contact between individuals as businesses, services, and activities have reopened, it is important for FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors to be fully vaccinated in order to protect themselves against serious illness from COVID-19 as well as to provide indirect protection to others, including colleagues.


This policy applies to all FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors, volunteers.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors in certain divisions may have obligations in addition to this policy under division-specific policies regarding COVID-19 vaccination or under regulations, legislation or guidelines applicable to them.

New FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of being hired by the FHC.

Continued Compliance with all Health and Safety Precautions

Unless a legislated or regulatory exemption applies, all FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are expected and required to continue to comply with applicable health and safety measures to reduce the hazard of COVID-19, including but not limited to compliance with established workplace access controls (e.g. screening), wearing a mask or face covering, using provided PPE, maintaining appropriate physical distancing and self-monitoring of potential COVID-19 symptoms when at work or otherwise engaged in FHC business.


All levels of management are responsible for the administration of this Policy.

Managers are expected to:

  • lead by example, and;
  • ensure visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors complete any required education or training about COVID-19, including regarding vaccinations and safety protocols.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are expected to:

  • follow all health and safety policies and protocols, and;
  • complete any required education or training about COVID-19, including regarding vaccinations and safety protocols.

Vaccination Requirement

All FHC visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are required to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine series by October 30, 2021. For a two dose vaccine series, visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors must receive one dose of COVID-19 vaccine by September 30, 2021 and two doses of COVID-19 vaccine by October 30, 2021. For a single dose vaccine series (e.g. Johnson and Johnson), visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors must receive the dose by September 30, 2021.

Proof of Vaccination

The FHC requires proof of vaccination from all visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors. Proof means documentation verifying receipt of a vaccination series approved by Health Canada or the World Health Organization.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors must disclose their vaccination status to the FHC in accordance with the established process by no later than October 31, 2021.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors who, by October 31, 2021, disclose that they have not received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine (or a single dose in the case of a single dose vaccine series), or who have not disclosed their vaccination status as required, shall attend mandatory education on the benefits of vaccination, in addition to the obligations identified under “Vaccination Requirement” above.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors will be required to update their vaccination status in accordance with the established process and by the dates set out in this policy, as they obtain each dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors may also be required to disclose their vaccination status by law or to otherwise give effect to this policy, including, but not limited to, situations where visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors are directed to stay home as a result of the daily screening tool in order to comply with the clearance criteria to return to work (e.g. after experiencing symptoms, a COVID-19 exposure, or a travel quarantine exemption).

Ongoing Monitoring and Assessment of COVID-19 Workplace Safety Measures

FHC will continue to closely monitor its COVID-19 risk mitigation strategy and the evolving public health information and context, to ensure that it continues to optimally protect the health and safety of visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors in the workplace and the public that they serve. FHC will continue to assess other available workplace risk mitigation measures, including, for example, requiring proof of a negative COVID-19 test, etc. If it is determined that additional precautions are necessary, FHC may decide to deploy new measures (including at an individual level) to protect visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors and the public from COVID-19, and may amend this policy accordingly and/or communicate the required precautions to impacted visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with Policy

Visitors, contractors, and sub-contractors who do not comply with this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.

Effective Date

October 31st, 2021