Began conversion of the Double Tree by Hilton in the former Radisson in Windsor, ON.
Timeline Slider
Purchased the Travelodge in Windsor, Ontario and began conversion into Holiday Inn Express.
First residential luxury subdivision in BourneWood Estates – begins construction.
Purchased the Idlewyld Inn and Spa in London, ON.
Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal awarded to Shmuel Farhi
Heritage Award: Architectural Conservancy of Ontario & Heritage London Foundation.
Purchased ‘the Market Tower’ in the heart of downtown London.
Purchased the Elm Hurst Inn and Spa in Ingersoll, ON – first hospitality asset.
Purchased the Bell Building on 100 Dundas St., London, ON
Moved into the Windsor market purchase of the former LEAR plant at 1600 Lauzon.